“Get up, for it is your duty to tell us how to proceed in setting things straight. We are behind you, so be strong & take action.” Ezra 10:4
At this time in Israel’s history, the people have just returned to Jerusalem after 40 years of captivity in Babylon. Ezra, a priest from the line of Aaron, has been told that “The people of Israel, including the priests and the Levites [who should have known better], have not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples with their detestable practices…They have taken some of their daughters as wives for themselves and their sons…and the leaders and officials have led the way in this faithfulness.” Ezra 9:1-2
Ezra is overwhelmed by what he sees around him and the ungodly choices being made by the people. The culture was a hot mess and seemingly unaware of it up until this point. No one could blame him for being so upset. We can all be sad, afraid or even overwhelmed by the culture we live in.
So what are we supposed to do? What did Ezra do?
The people find Ezra exactly where he needs to be – weeping before the house of God.
When we are overwhelmed; whether it be mentally or emotionally, it is always to our benefit to bring it to God as soon as possible. There is nothing more freeing than being able to be completely raw and open before an all-powerful God who adores us.
It is there; while he is weeping, that the people remind Ezra of his responsibility to lead them.
It was his job to help the very people he was weeping for. That is a hard task to do when we are swallowed up by fear and anger. Those emotions can easily prevent us from being able to trust God and realize His sovereign perspective in the situation.
The reality of our circumstance is valid, but what is real does not always equal what is Truth. Jesus changes everything. Remember the story of when Peter was sinking beneath the stormy waters. That was a very real circumstance, but the Truth of the situation – Jesus can walk on water! (That’s a whole other blog – haha)
As a follower of Jesus, it is our privilege and responsibility to show those around us how to experience the power and presence of the living God.
When Jesus was here, he saw the same things we see today. He saw all the pain, death, injustice, addiction, abuse, and corruption. His response to the people?
“When he saw the crowds, he HAD COMPASSION ON THEM, because they were confused and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” (Matthew 9:36)
Sin is ugly, and at times scary, but people are still people amidst it all; people that need to know “how to set things straight.” If we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by our culture, we will be of no use to our culture.
Jesus always took the time to investigate the hearts of the people. He did not judge them simply for their choices or actions. He was not overwhelmed by the culture, rather He was overwhelmed by compassion for the culture – The people. They need us to “get up” and show them how to know and hear God for themselves. We need to have an authentic faith in this very real world. And that’s the tough part. It requires us to actually LIVE OUT what we say we know, believe and trust in.
If anyone would come after me, HE MUST deny himself, take up his cross DAILY, and FOLLOW ME. Luke 9:23
It takes discipline to “Get up.” It’s not a natural reaction. To get up, we must wrestle against our justified emotions and logical reasoning and choose to follow Jesus. That means we must; in this order…
- Deny our own rights & expectations
- Daily take up the realities of our lives
- Listen, obey and follow exactly where God’s sprit uniquely leads us.
In The Meanwhile…
God, help us to come to you quickly when we become overwhelmed by what we see around us. May we be authentic about how we feel, “be still” long enough to listen to what you have to say, and then, may we GET UP and show active compassion towards those we are called to love and lead to YOU.
So proud of our daughter.
Significant to our culture today…We have been blinded at times by our own fears or judgement selfish ways..
When all God wants us to do is focus on the cause of selflessness..
Seeing others needs greater then our own..