Hello. I’m so glad you stopped in. For years I’ve wanted to share all the cool things that God shares with me. My husband keeps telling me to write a book, as have others, but I’ve just never heard God say, “Go.” And that “Go,” the God go, is the difference between success and failure to me.
There’s a reason (well many really) that He says, “Be still and know I am God.” It’s in the waiting, the being still, that God does most of His work in and around us. So here I am, a 48-year-old mom of three young kids, married to a pastor, a degree in communications & a master’s in religious ed, working part-time and pastoring women at our grace-filled, Bible reading, find-your-place in the Kingdom church…and I’ve been waiting.
Anyone who knows me, knows I love John 10:10, especially the later part.
“…I (Jesus) have come that you may have LIFE and have it more abundantly.”
It is a truth that drives my heart to never be satisfied with the status quo or mediocrely, but it has also been my torture. I crave to live the ABUNDANT LIFE that Jesus died to give me. That’s not such a bad thing, but that craving has at times, become too much of my focus, thus overshadowing the One who said it.
I live for sweet moments and new experiences. I’m a photographer, and I think I love photographs because they capture those moments so perfectly. But for many years, it was the craving for “moments” that was robing me of my everyday life. I was unable to live in the present because I was waiting for the moments I so desperately wanted. And the truth is, when we don’t live in the present, there’s no way we can experience abundant life. The present is all that is truly real. God refers to Himself as “I Am,” not I Was or I Will Be. There’s a great poem by Helen Mallicoat that talks about that.
So, it is in being still that we can actually experience ABUNDANT LIFE (God is such a God of seemingly paradoxical realities). We need to STOP (our inside or outside movement) and KNOW He is truly God. We need to learn to wait on Him and His timing.
Well, while reading Psalm 96 the other day, verse 3 stuck out as if highlighted on the page – “Publish His glorious deeds…tell everyone about the AMAZING things He does.” (Psalm 96:3) Did you see that first word? He said it straight to my heart. It was as if I could hear that starting gun.
I do believe I’ve been given the go-ahead. It’s time.
Amidst these many years of being challenged to WAIT, there’s one thing I’ve learned – most of our lives are actually lived in the meanwhile…between the moments. And you know what? It’s been in the meanwhiles of my life where God has done the most, shown me the most and healed me the most.
I’m excited to share with you what God is sharing with me…in the meanwhile of life.
So, if you want to join me on this journey, I pray that what you read will encourage you, challenge you and most importantly, draw you closer to Jesus…as we all live IN THE MEANWHILES of life.
Yay to that! And yay to Publishing His glorious deeds!